Chapter One

       In the Moon, is a certain Island near by a mighty continent, which small island seems to have some affinity to England.

       & what is more extraordinary, the people are so much alike & their language so much the same that you would think you was among your friends. In this Island dwells three Philosophers: Suction the Epicurean, Quid the Cynic and Sipsop the Pythagorean.

       I call them by the names of these sects tho the sects are not ever mentiond there as being quite out of date. However, the things still remain and the vanities are the same.

       The three Philosophers sat together thinking of nothing. In comes Etruscan Column, the Antiquarian & after an abundance of Enquiries to no purpose sat himself down & described something that nobody listened to.
       So they were employd when Mrs Gimblet came in tipsy, the corners of her mouth seemed I dont know how, but very odd as if she hoped you had not an ill opinion of her.

       To be sure we are all poor creatures. Well she seated & listened or seemd to listen with great attention while the Antiquarian seemd to be talking of virtuous cats, but it was not so.

       She was thinking of the shape of her eyes & mouth & he was thinking, of his eternal fame. The three Philosophers at this time were each endeavouring to conceal his laughter, (not at them but at his own imaginations). This was the situation of this improving company, when in a great hurry, Inflammable Gass the Wind finder entered. They seemd to rise & salute each other.

       Etruscan Column & Inflammable Gass fixed their eyes on each other, their tongues went in question & answer, but their thoughts were otherwise employ'd.

       "I don't like his eyes"       said Etruscan Column.

       "He's a foolish puppy"       said Inflammable Gass, smiling on him.

       The 3 Philosophers - Quid the Cynic smiling, the Epicurean seeming tho not studying the flame of the candle & the Pythagorean playing with the cat, listened with open mouths to the edifying discourses.

       "Sir"       said the Antiquarian,

       "I have seen these works & I do affirm that they are no such thing. They seem to me to be the most wretched paltry flimsy stuff that ever…"

       "What d'ye say, What d'ye say"       said Inflammable Gass,       "why why I wish I could see you write so."

       "Sir"       said the Antiquarian,       "according to my opinion the author is an errant blockhead."

       "Your reason…Your reason"       said Inflammable Gass.       

       "Why why I think it very abominable to call a man a blockhead that you know nothing of."

       "Reason Sir"       said the Antiquarian,       "I'll give you an example for your reason. As I was walking along the street I saw a vast number of swallows on the top of an house in an old Gothic square. They seemd to be going on their passage, as Pliny says, as I was looking up, a little outré fellow pulling me by the sleeve cries 'Pray Sir who do all they belong to?'

       "I turned my self about with great contempt.
Said I,       'Go along you fool. Fool'
Said he,       'Who do you call fool? I only asked you a civil question.'      I had a great mind to have thrashd the fellow only he was bigger than I…"

       Here Etruscan column left off.

       Inflammable Gass, recollecting himself said:       "Indeed I do not think the man was a fool for he seems to me to have been desirous of enquiring into the works of nature."

       "Ha Ha Ha"       said the Pythagorean.

       It was reached by Inflammable Gass to overthrow the argument.

       Etruscan Column then starting up & clenching both his fists was prepared to give a formal answer to the company but Obtuse Angle, entering the room having made a gentle bow, proceeded to empty his pockets of a vast number of papers, turned about & sat down wiped his face with his pocket handkerchief & shutting his eyes began to scratch his head.

       "Well gentlemen"       said he,       "what is the cause of strife?"

       "They are only quarreling about Voltaire"       the Cynic answered

       "Yes"       said the Epicurean       "& having a bit of fun with him."

"And"       said the Pythagorean       "endeavoring to incorporate their souls with their bodies."

       Obtuse Angle, giving a grin, said       "Voltaire understood nothing of the Mathematics and a man must be a fool i'faith not to understand the Mathematics"

       Inflammable Gass turning round hastily in his chair said       "Mathematics? He found out a number of Queries in Philosophy!"

       Obtuse Angle, shutting his eyes & saying that he always understood better when he shut his eyes, said       "In the first place it is not of use for a man to make Queries but to solve them, for a man may be a fool & make Queries but a man must have good sound sense to solve them. A query & an answer are as different as a strait line & a crooked one."

       "Secondly I, I, I. Aye Secondly, Voltaire's a fool", says the Epicurean.

       "Pooh"       says the Mathematician scratching his head with double violence,  "it is not worth Quarreling about."

       The Antiquarian here got up & hemming twice to show the strength of his Lungs, said      "But my Good Sir, Voltaire was immersed in matter, & seems to have understood very little but what he saw before his eyes, like the Animal upon the Pythagorean's lap always playing with its own tail."

       "Ha Ha Ha"       said Inflammable Gass,       "he was the Glory of France. I have got a bottle of air that would spread a Plague."

       Here the Antiquarian shruggd up his shoulders & was silent while Inflammable Gass talk'd for half an hour.

       When Steelyard the Lawgiver, coming in stalking with an act of parliament in his hand said that it was a shameful thing that acts of parliament should be in a free state, it had so engrossed his mind that he did not salute the company.

       Mrs Gimblet drew her mouth downwards.

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Chapter Two